2014 © Lenka Dvorakova

Current LCLUC challenges in SCERIN: Assessing Ecosystem Function and Processes
9-10 June 2014, Krakow, Poland

The second meeting of GOFC-GOLD South Central and East European Regional Information Network (SCERIN-2) happened
for 9-10 June 2014. It was hosted by Drs. K. Ostapowicz and J. Kozak, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management
at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland (http://www.gis.geo.uj.edu.pl/ZGIS/eng/aboutus/contact.ht).

SCERINs goals are to promote the use and improve the quality and availability of Earth System remote-sensing data in South Central and Eastern Europe (SCE). SCERIN-2 will focus on regional and local issues related to satellite data products, methodologies, and end users. Time is set aside for discussions of the SCERIN focus groups on FG1: Forest monitoring: disturbances, health and biomass, FG2: Land Cover Changes: agricultural land abandonment, urban expansion; and to discuss the formulation of New FG3: Validation/verification network for support of current and future satellite NASA (HyspIRI, Landsat) and ESA missions (GMES program).

SCERIN-2 was planned in coordination with the Second Trans Atlantic Training (TAT-2, http://web.natur.cuni.cz/gis/tat/) initiative, to be held June 5-8 2014.
We are looking forvard to meeting you there!